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Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles



Special Issues Edited 

  1. Soudien, C.; Volks, C.; Reddy, V. & Wood, L (Eds.). (2016). HIV Social Inclusivity and Enablement in the Higher Education Curriculum. South African Journal of Higher Education. Special issue. 30(4). 

  2. Volks, C. & Crewe, M. (Eds.) (2012). Third Degree. South African Higher education and HIV/AIDS. CSA AIDS Review. Pretoria, South Africa: Centre for the Study of AIDS.  

Peer Reviewed Published Articles

  1. Salie, M., Roomaney, R., Andipatin, M., & Volks, C. (2021). Scoping review of the psychosocial aspects of infertility in developing countries: protocol. BMJ Open, 11(5), 1-4.   

  2. Musungu, S., Alves, S., Volks, C., & Vallie, Z. (2018). Evaluating a Workshop on Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Bystander Intervention.  Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 20(2).

  3. Volks, C., Reddy, L., & Saptouw, F. (2016). 'It opened my eyes to the problem of stigma on campus': Training art students to be HIV stigma commentators. South African Journal of Higher Education. 30(4), 37-55.

  4. Van Laren, L., Pithouse-Morgan, K., Volks, C., & Alves, S. (2016). Scrapbooking as a tool for transdisciplinary professional learning about HIV and AIDS curriculum integration in higher education.  South African Journal of Higher Education. 30(4), 74-93.

  5. Volks, C., & Musungu, S. (2016). Building empathy by watching apologies: perceptions of facilitators regarding bystanders and perpetrators. South African Journal of Higher Education. 30(4), 112–125. 

  6. Alves, S and Volks, C. (2016). Creating access and inclusion of HIV education into core curricula. South African Journal of Higher Education. 30(4), 144-155. 

  7. Volks, C., Abrahams, S., & Reddy, L. (2015). Universities and Schools - what is fair engagement? South African Journal of Higher Education, 29(3), 208- 221. 

  8. Kyobula-Mukosa, S., Volks, C., & Reddy, L. (2014). Investigating the quality of HIV testing and counselling of a PEPFAR funded organization in relation to a non-PEPFAR funded organization. Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 16(1). 116-129. 

  9. Volks C. (2013). A qualitative exploration of couples facing HIV and infertility in an assisted reproduction clinic in Cape Town, South Africa: recommendations for health policy. Human Reproduction, 28(suppl 1), P-379


     Who Am I?

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Providing an Informed, Supportive Counselling Space for People Engaged in Assisted Reproduction.


Cal Volks is an Infertility, ART and Donor Linking (individual and group) Counsellor living in Melbourne. She is the founder of ARISE - Assisted Reproduction Information, Support & Education which provides training to both the public and healthcare providers around assisted reproduction counselling. Cal is currently doing her PhD at LaTrobe University, Melbourne on experiences of donors. 




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© 2014 by Cal Volks

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