Cal Volks

Volks, C. (2018). Outcomes of Self-Perception of Psychological Coping following a Pre-Assisted Reproduction Treatment (ART) Psycho-Educational intervention for patients undergoing ART in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Adapted from a study co-developed with Dr. Fiona MacCallum, Psychology Department, University of Warwick. Primary IVF Conference. Sydney, Australia. June.
Volks, C (2016). An Intervention using Self Compassion, Mindfulness and Progressive Relaxation Exercises for the Infertility Awareness Association of South Africa. Adapted from a study co-developed with Dr. Fiona MacCallum, Psychology Department, University of Warwick. Cape Town, South Africa. June.
Volks C. Not Born Free: The Intersection of HIV Stigma with Apartheid Intergenerational Trauma in HIV Positive South African students’ experiences. 20th International AIDS Conference, Melbourne Australia. July 20-25 2014.
Volks C. Intergenerational Trauma in Nazi Germany and Apartheid South Africa. Reconciliation and Overcoming Inter-generational Trauma in Higher Education Institutions. University of Cape Town, South Africa. February 26-27 2014.
Volks C. The Schonwald Apology Case Study. Reconciliation and Overcoming Inter-generational Trauma in Higher Education Institutions. Univeristy of Cape Town, South Africa. February 26-27 2014.
Volks C. The intersection of students living with HIV and Intergenerational Trauma at UCT. Reconciliation and Overcoming Inter-generational Trauma in Higher Education Institutions. Univeristy of Cape Town, South Africa. February 26-27 2014.
Abrahams S, Volks C and Reddy L. Building Graduate Attributes for Transformation: Working with Students in the intersect of Violence, Poverty and Health at UCT. Understanding and Preventing Violence in Africa. South African Violence Initiative (SaVI) Colloquium. Cape Town South Africa. November 1-2 2013.
Volks C. Living with HIV and Infertility: The Intersections of two Stigmatized Conditions. Recommendation for Policy. 29th Anual Meeting - European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology, London United Kingdom. July 8-10 2013.
Reddy L and Volks C. “How does what I do now Influence what I do tonight”?: An innovative, integrated approach to HIV engagement among 17 to 25 years old. International AIDS Society Conference Cape Town, South Africa. December 2013.
Volks C and Kyobula-Mukoza S. Outcomes of watching a rapists account of an apology to the woman he raped: Perceptions of UCT Rape Counsellors and HIV and Gender peer educators. Implications for Training and Education. Masculinities in Higher Education Conference. University of Cape Town South Africa. September 2013.
Volks C and Kyobula-Mukoza S. Empathic Repair/Outcomes of an Intervention with Diversity Educators. Engaging the Other. Conference on Intergenerational Trauma and Empathic Repair, UVS Bloemfontein South Africa. December 2012.
Volks C. HIV/AIDS Stigma as an issue of Inclusivity. Higher Education Against AIDS National Conference, Cape Town South Africa. November 29-30 2012.
Reddy L, Volks C and Saptouw F. "We need the Culture shock, as we are not making the right decisions personally". Outcomes of Art students educating other UCT students about sexual concurrency and HIV/AIDS risk. Higher Education Against AIDS National Conference, Cape Town South Africa. November 29-30 2012.
Abrahams S and Volks C. Integration, Norming and Collaboration: A Conceptual Framework for the Integration of HIV/AIDS Eduation into mainstream curricula at UCT. Higher Education Against AIDS National Conference, Cape Town South Africa. November 29-30 2012.
Volks C, Reddy L and Saptouw F. "I felt disgusted at what he felt to be OK". UCT First Year Art Students Depictions of Tensions between Constructs of Desire among UCT HIV/AIDS Peer Educators and the Students they Sought to Educate.UCT Festival of Desire Aug 2012.
Volks C. Disclosing Donor Insemination: What can South Africa learn from Other Countries. Presentation to the Cape Town Continuing Professional Development Group Meeting of Reproductive Nurses and Embryologists. July 2012.
Volks C. “There’s This Thing with Men: They Want to have More than one Sexual Partner”. Gender Identities as experienced by Peer Educators and the Recipients of their Education at the University of Cape Town. Presentation at Freie University Institute for Ethnology Social and Cultural Anthropology Department in the run up to the Men in E(motion) conference. May 2012.
Volks C. Using Communication as a core strategy in Higher Education Responses to HIV/AIDS.
Presentation. SAHARA conference satellite session around Higher Education and HIV/AIDS. Port Elizabeth South Africa. November 2011.
Reddy L, Volks C, Lomofsky D and Wessels W. "Its OK if they're in different area codes": sexual concurrency among University of Cape Town students. 5th South African HIV/AIDS AIDS Conference. Durban South Africa. June 2011.
Volks C. Outcomes of three anti-HIV Stigma Activities conducted at the University of Cape Town in 2006, 2007 adn 2008. Higher Education Against AIDS Conference Johannesburg. March 2010.
Volks C and Lomofsky D. Presentation of data from a pilot programme to integrate HIV and AIDS in the Science and Engineering Faculties at the University of Cape Town. Meeting of the Deans of all Faculties UCT. Cape Town South Africa. June 2010.
Volks C. The University of Cape Town responds to the National HIV/AIDS Prevalence Research Survey.Colloquium around HIV Prevalence at Higher Education Institutions. University of Cape Town, Cape Town South Africa. October 2010.
Volks C. “Equal but Separate” A Qualitative analysis of the relationship between experiences of HIV discrimination and disclosure among University of Cape Town HIV Positive students.17th International AIDS Conference. Mexico City Mexico. August 3-8 2008.