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  1. Volks C (2014). Are They Really Born Free? Assessing and adressing experiences of HIV stigma and the intersection of descrimination around race, language, class, gender and sexual orientation of UCT HIV positive students. HAICU Cape Town.

  2. Volks C (2012) ed. Special Issue of AIDS Review. The Centre for The Study of AIDS Pretoria. Aug 2012


     Who Am I?

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Providing an Informed, Supportive Counselling Space for People Engaged in Assisted Reproduction.


Cal Volks is an Infertility, ART and Donor Linking (individual and group) Counsellor living in Melbourne. She is the founder of ARISE - Assisted Reproduction Information, Support & Education which provides training to both the public and healthcare providers around assisted reproduction counselling. Cal is currently doing her PhD at LaTrobe University, Melbourne on experiences of donors. 




0439 859 099


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© 2014 by Cal Volks

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